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Learn-WiseGo production build set for Thursday, August 22nd

New Features

Lesson Plan expired Icon - We have introduced a new enhancement to the LP listing screen: the LP Expired icon. This feature is designed to help Admins quickly identify lesson plans that have expired and are no longer available for assignment. The system will now automatically check Lesson plans for any due dates that have already passed or are set to expire and will display a prominent expired icon next to the Lesson plan title, near the lock and info icons. Additionally, when hovering over the expired icon, Admins will see a notification or tooltip explaining that the Lesson plan has expired and cannot be assigned. Our goal with this update is to ensure that the interface remains intuitive and user-friendly while providing clear visual indicators.

Removed xAPI option from Learn-WiseGo - We have removed the xAPI feature from LWG. This change allows us to streamline the platform, improve responsiveness, and focus on features that provide the most value to our users.

Bulk Import Users’ feature - We’ve now added support for formula-applied columns, allowing you to seamlessly import data that includes formulas. Additionally, the system will automatically trim any leading or trailing spaces in your data, ensuring a cleaner and more accurate import process.

Bug Fixes

In addition to these new features, we have also addressed bugs to improve the overall functionality of our platform:

Edited/Updated User Details Not Showing in Audit Trail Report - Previously, when user details were edited or updated, the changes were not being reflected in the generated reports. This has now been fixed, ensuring that all updated user details will correctly appear in the audit trail reports going forward. This improvement will help maintain accurate and up-to-date records, enhancing the reliability of your reports.

My Report

We’ve resolved two issues in the My Reports feature.

  1. ‘Lesson Plan Assignment by User’ Report: Adding the field ‘Manager's email’ has now been resolved, ensuring smooth report generation with all necessary fields.

  2. Empty 'Name' Column: This has been resolved and all columns display correctly on the ‘My Reports’ page.


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