Currently facing issues accessing courses or modules? In need of making adjustments to the lesson? Struggling to find the original storyline file? Unsure about the creator of the module?
Here are some recommendations to help avoid such challenges:
1. Maintain a consistent file and folder naming approach. By creating a primary folder and dividing it into sub-folders, you can keep your content organized and easily locate specific modules. For instance, use a main folder name like "Safety_workplace," with subfolders such as "Sex Discrimination & Harassment," and further subdivide by "Introduction to Safety." Each subfolder can be categorized by year, helping maintain a structured file hierarchy.
2. Group related documents together, even if they are of different types. Keep all files associated with the lesson or training module in one folder. This includes images, documents, spreadsheets, videos, surveys, and storyline files. This meticulous organization makes it simpler for anyone on your team to identify and address issues or improvements in the future.
3. Distinguish between ongoing work and completed work. It's common to start working on lessons or modules on your desktop, but over time, these might accumulate without being appropriately sorted. Ensure you move the files to their designated folders once they are completed. This practice keeps everything together and up-to-date.
4. Organize files by date. This allows you to quickly access recently edited files. If someone else needs to access the course later, the most recent file will be readily available.
5. Create a master document. It's highly beneficial to maintain a master document containing all written content and references. For example, if you have a course named "Electrical Safety," create a table that includes slide numbers, content, and any references. This will facilitate the identification and resolution of issues like broken links or updates.